When Babies Are Born the Lungs Are the Last Organ to Develop Quizlet

Read and translate the text. Learn the names of internal organs.

для студентов i курса

специальности «Фармация»


Тирасполь, 2015


1. Части человеческого тела. Parts of the human body.

2. Личная гигиена. Personal Hygiene

3. Внутренние органы. Internal organs

4. Скелет человека. Skeletal System

v. Мускулатура человека. Muscular System

six. Нервная система. Nervous System

7. Сердечнососудистая система. Cardiovascular System

8. Дыхательная система. Respiratory System

nine. Пищеварительная система. Digestive Organisation

10. Мочевая система. Urinary System

11. Половая система. Reproductive Arrangement

Итоговое занятие в форме зачета.

Презентация проектов «Системы органов человека».

Themes for the projects:

1. Skeletal System

2. Muscular System

3. Nervous System

iv. Cardiovascular System

5. Respiratory System

6. Digestive Organisation

7. Urinary Arrangement

8. Male person reproductive System

9. Female reproductive Organisation

Рекомендации по выполнению проекта.

1. Определение темы.

ii. Изучение терминологии по теме: поиск значения на английском и русском языке, поиск визуального материала (картинки, фото).

3. Перевод текста и всех подписей под картинками с английского языка на русский.

iv. Выполнение упражнений по теме.

v. Составление презентации с включением всей информации на русском и английском языке.

6. Защита проекта.


Текстовый глоссарий:

the caput – голова the trunk - туловище the limbs (extremities) – конечности the skull – череп the encephalon – мозг the forehead – лоб the cheeks – щёки the mentum – подбородок the external ear - наружное ухо the middle ear – среднее ухо the internal ear – внут-реннее ухо the oral fissure – рот gums – дёсна a tongue – язык a palate – нёбо the cervix – шея the chest – грудь the abdomen – живот bones - кости injury – травма muscles - мышцы the upper arm – верхняя часть руки the forearm – предплечье the elbow – локоть the wrist – запястье the manus – кисть руки a thumb – большой палец руки hip (the thigh) – бедро the knee joint – колено the calf – голень the ankle – лодыжка the skin – кожа toe – палец ноги

The principal parts of the homo body are the caput, the torso, and the limbs (extremities). The upper extremities are artillery, the lower extremities are legs.

The head consists of 2 parts: the skull which contains the brain, and the face which consists of the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the mouth with the lips, the cheeks, the ears, and the chin.

The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear.

The mouth has ii lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate.

The head is connected with the trunk by the neck. The upper function of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen.

The framework of bones chosen the skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury. The bones are covered with muscles.

The upper extremity is continued with the chest by the shoulder. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist, and the mitt. We take five fingers on each mitt: a pollex, an index finger, a heart finger, a band finger, and a little finger.

The lower extremity (the leg) consists of the hip (the thigh), the knee, the calf, the talocrural joint, and the pes. The fingers of anxiety are called toes.

The body is covered with the skin.


I. Прочитайте и переведите все части тела на картинке с помощью словаря.

II. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

III. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What are the principal parts of the homo body?

2. What parts does the head consist of?

three. What parts does the ear include?

4. What are the upper part and the lower part of the trunk?

5. What practise you know nearly the upper extremity?

half dozen. What does the lower extremity consist of?

7. What is the trunk covered with?

Составление пересказа по теме.

Основные части тела человека это голова, туловище и конечности. The principal parts of the human body are the caput, the body, and the limbs (extremities).
Голова состоит из черепа и лица. The head consists of the skull and the face up.
Череп содержит в себе мозг. The skull contains the brain.
Лицо состоит из лба, глаз, носа, рта, щек, ушей и подбородка. The face consists of the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the rima oris, the cheeks, the ears, and the chin.
Голова соединяется с туловищем при помощи шеи. The head is continued with the torso past the neck.
Туловище состоит из грудной клетки и живота. The trunk consists of the chest and the abdomen.
Конечности – это руки и ноги. The extremities are artillery and legs.
Руки состоят из верхней части руки, предплечья, локтя, запястья и кисти. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist, and the mitt.
На каждой руке 4 пальца и i большой палец. Nosotros have iv fingers and a thumb on each hand.
Ноги состоят из бедра, колена, голени, лодыжки и стопы. Each leg consists of the hip, the articulatio genus, the calf, the talocrural joint, and the pes.
На каждой стопе по 5 пальцев. Nosotros accept 5 toes on each foot.
Тело покрыто кожей. The body is covered with the skin.


Текстовый глоссарий:

1. external - внешний 2. to avert - избегать 3. basic - основной 4. alkalis - щелочь 5. to rinse – промывать, ополаскивать half-dozen. comb – гребешок, расчёска vii. essential - существенный 8. germicidal - бактерицидный ix. bathroom sponge – губка для ванны x. irritation - раздражение 11. thoroughly - тщательно 12. continuously - постоянно thirteen. keratin - кератин xiv. to dissever – раскалываться, ломаться xv. manicure kit – маникюрный набор xvi. crudely - грубо

Personal hygiene is the first step to good health. Elementary cleanliness is mutual knowledge. Every external part of the body demands a bones amount of attention on a regular ground.

Hygiene of pilus

Wash your hair at to the lowest degree in one case a week using soap or mild shampoo. Avoid shampoos with alkalis. Rinse well. Dry out your hair afterwards a wash.

Brush your hair three to four times a day with a soft brush or a wide comb. Wash your castor and rummage every time yous wash your pilus. Oil the scalp, once a week, preferably an hour before pilus launder.

Hygiene of skin

In Victorian England, small young women were taught to wash themselves without getting quite naked.

Soap and water are essential for keeping the peel clean. A good bathroom once or twice a day is recommended, especially in tropical countries like India. A mild soap will do the job adequately. Germicidal or antiseptic soaps are not essential for the daily bath. You can use a bath sponge for scrubbing.

The genitals and the anus need to exist cleaned well considering of the natural secretions of these areas, in unhygienic conditions, can cause irritation and infection.

Wash off well afterwards soaping. Drying with a clean towel is important. Avoid sharing soaps and towels. Change into clean underwear after bath.

Hygiene of hands

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and h2o earlier and afterward every meal and afterwards visiting the toilet. Soaping and rinsing should encompass the areas between fingers, nails and back of the hand. Easily should be stale with a clean towel after wash. The towel at the wash stand up has to be washed and changed everyday.

If yous need to use a handkerchief or tissue, wash your hands later that. Proceed your nails curt.

Hygiene of nails

Practise not keep your nails painted continuously. It causes the keratin, of which nails are fabricated, to separate. Pamper your hands and nails once every three weeks with a manicure.

This requires soaking your easily in warm water for 10 minutes, massaging of easily, thorough cleaning and shaping of nails. Choose your manicure kit with care. In some kits, the instruments are crudely fabricated and they will exercise more harm than skillful.


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие прилагательные. Составьте с ними словосочетания.

Elementary, external, regular, mild, soft, essential, make clean, germicidal, unhygienic.

3. Раскройте скобки, вставляя подходящее по смыслу слово.

i. Wash your hair at least one time a (24-hour interval, calendar week) using lather or balmy shampoo.

ii. Brush your pilus 3 to 4 times a twenty-four hour period with a (rude, soft) brush.

three. Oil the scalp, one time a week, preferably an hr (before, after) hair wash.

4. Germicidal or clarified soaps (are, are not) essential for the daily bath.

v. The towel at the wash stand up has to be washed and changed (once a week, everyday).

half-dozen. (Keep, exercise not continue) your nails painted continuously.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Мойте волосы как минимум раз в неделю.

2. Высушивайте волосы после мытья.

3. Смазывайте маслом кожу головы перед мытьем.

4. Не пользуйтесь с другими людьми одним мылом и полотенцем.

5. Тщательно мойте руки с мылом и водой.

6. Выбирайте маникюрный набор с особой осторожностью.

6. Подготовьте мини проекты «Гигиена тела». (Индивидуальное задание)



float – мочевой пузырь brain - мозг esophagus-пищевод gallbladder-желчный пузырь centre - сердце intestines - кишечник kidneys - почки liver - печень lungs - лёгкие ovaries - яичники pancreas – поджелудочная железа spleen - селезенка tummy - желудок thyroid gland – щитовидная железа uterus - матка alimentary - пищеварительный cecum – слепая кишка junction – соединение urine - моча pelvic flooring – диафрагма таза pharynx – глотка digestion – пищеварение concave portion – вогнутая часть fossa – впадина to pump - качать blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды rhythmic contractions- ритмичные сокращения urinary system – мочеполовая система electrolytes – электролиты acid-base balance – кислотный баланс detoxification – детоксикация bloodstream – кровоток ovum – яйцеклетка lateral wall of the pelvis – боковая стенка таза to recycle atomic number 26 – перерабатывать железо fallopian tubes – маточные трубы gestational menses – гестационный период (период беременности)

Human body is known as organism. Human body consists of various organ systems. Each organ system performs a particular task.

Appendix Information technology is a blind-ended tube that is connected to the cecum. The appendix is located near the junction of the minor and large intestines.

Bladder In this organ, the urine that is filtered from the kidneys is collected earlier existence tending off by urination. The bladder is a muscular organ that is elastic in nature. Information technology is located on the pelvic floor.
Brain It is the most important organ of the human body, and it controls all the other parts. It is the centre of the nervous arrangement, and is the most circuitous of all internal organs. The encephalon controls our sense of vision, hearing, sense of taste, smell, balance, and feeling.

Gallbladder Information technology is one of the smallest internal organs of the human body. It helps in the process of digestion. It is located in the concave portion of liver that is called the gallbladder fossa. The length of this portion is about 8 cm in adults.

Heart After the brain, the eye is the second nigh important internal organ in humans. It is a muscular organ whose primary function is to pump oxygenated claret throughout the torso through blood vessels. This action is carried out by repeated and rhythmic contractions. On an average, the human middle beats well-nigh 72 times per minute, and weighs 250 to 300 gm in females, and 300 to 350 gm in males.
Intestines They are a segment of the gastrointestinal tract, and they extend from the stomach to the anus. They are divided into: small intestine and the large intestine.

Kidneys They serve every bit the most important part of the urinary system. Their function is regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid-base residue, regulation of blood pressure, product of urine, etc.
Liver It is one of the most vital internal organs of the human trunk. The liver is an absolute necessity for survival. It carries out several functions including detoxification of blood, product of biochemicals for digestion, and protein synthesis.
Lungs These organs are responsible for respiration. In humans, a pair of lungs is located in the chest on either side of the heart. Their role is to transport atmospheric oxygen into bloodstream, and release carbon dioxide from claret into the atmosphere.
Ovaries They are ovum-producing reproductive organs that are nowadays in pairs in females. They are located in the lateral wall of the pelvis.

Pancreas They belong to both the endocrine and digestive systems. These organs produce important hormones like insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin. They also produce pancreatic juice that contains digestive enzymes. If the pancreas practice not office normally, it may pb to diabetes mellitus.
Spleen The organ is very important with respect to the immune arrangement. It is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Its function is to remove old red blood cells and also to recycle atomic number 26. The spleen in an adult human body is about 11 cm in length.
Stomach The muscular, hollow bag in the alimentary canal is called the stomach. It is the chief organ of the digestive system that is involved in the 2d phase of nutrient digestion. The location of this organ is between the esophagus and pocket-sized intestine.

Thyroid gland The largest endocrine gland of the man body is the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck. It helps to control the employ of energy in the body.
Uterus Information technology is the nearly of import function of the female reproductive organization. This organ is internally connected to the fallopian tubes on each side, and opens into the vagina at one end. In this organ the fetus develops during gestational period.


Read and translate the text. Learn the names of internal organs.

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